Olivia (Isabel Sandoval), an undocumented Filipino transwoman, works as a caregiver to Olga (Lynn Cohen), an elderly Russian woman, in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. When Olivia runs out of options to attain legal status in the US, she becomes romantically involved with Alex (Eamon Farren), Olga's adu[ZiYuantun.Com]lt grandson, in the pursuit of a marriage-based green card. 译文(2): 奥利维亚(伊莎贝尔 · 桑多瓦尔饰) ,一个非法的菲律宾变性女人,在布鲁克林的布莱顿海滩为一位俄罗斯老妇人奥尔加(林恩 · 科恩饰)做护理工{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当奥利维亚没有办法在美国获得合法身份时,她开始与奥尔加的成年孙子亚历克斯(埃蒙 · 法伦饰)恋爱,追求一张基于婚姻的绿卡。