When a tribe of cave-women imparts cruel justice on one of their own their fate takes a turn for the worst. After discovering and falling in love with the corpse sacrificed by the girl-gang, a lone wandering giant of prehistoric myths is inspired to homicide. Consequently the cave-women are menaced by the heartbroken and bloodthirsty cave-brute with a grudge, and the prophetess among them is ignored when she predicts the tragic outcome.@www.lightyear.club 译文([ZiYuantun.Com]3): 当一个洞穴妇女部落对自己的一个人施以残酷的正义时,她们的命运就发生了最坏的转{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在发现并爱上了女孩帮牺牲的尸体后,一个孤独的史前神话流浪巨人受到了杀人的启发。因此,洞穴妇女受到心碎、嗜血的洞穴野兽的威胁,怀恨在心,其中的女先知在预测悲剧结果时被忽视了@www.lightyear.club