A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are met by utter indifference, a stoner couple who share only trivial exchanges, and a young loner unsympathetic to his caring mother are each living lives lost in translation, detached from their surroundings and the people {Ziyuantun.Com}around them. -- from viff.org 译文(3): 一群联系薄弱的无名小卒在沉闷的温尼伯艰难度{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一个婚姻失败、体弱多病的中年人,一个单口相声演员,他们的场景都被完全的冷漠所满足,一对只分享琐碎交流的石头夫妇,一个对他关爱的母亲漠不关心的年轻孤独者,每个人都活在翻译中,与周围的环境和周围的人分离。——来自viff.org