
主演:罗伯·博汀 Debbie 吉姆·瑞吉尔 迈克尔·芬内尔 Danny Linda 

导演:艾伦·阿库什 杰瑞·扎克 乔·丹特 

类型: 喜剧 音乐 电影 美国 1979

豆瓣ID:1294740 豆瓣评分:7.7

IMDb链接: tt0079813 IMDb评分:7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-24

TAG:摇滚学校1080P蓝光下载 摇滚学校免费下载 摇滚学校 

时长:93 分钟

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Vince Lombardi High School keeps losing principals to nervous breakdowns because of the students' love of rock 'n' roll and their disregard of education. The putative leader of the students is Riff Randell, who loves the music of the Ramones. A new principal, the rock-music-hating Miss Evelyn Togar, is brought in and promises to put an end to the music craze. When Miss Togar and a{Ziyuantun.Com} group of parents attempt to burn a pile of rock records, the students take over the high school, joined by the Ramones, who are made honorary students. When the police are summoned and demand that the students evacuate the building, they do so, which leads to an explosive finale.   译文(2): 文斯 · 隆巴迪高中因为学生们对摇滚乐的热爱以及他们对教育的漠视导致校长们不断因为精神崩溃而流{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。学生们公认的领导者是 Riff Randell,他喜欢雷蒙斯的音乐。一位新的校长,讨厌摇滚音乐的伊芙琳 · 托格小姐,被引进并承诺结束音乐热。当 Togar 小姐和一群家长试图烧毁一堆摇滚唱片时,学生们接管了学校,加入了 Ramones 乐队,他们成为了荣誉学生。当警察被召唤并要求学生撤离大楼时,他们照做了,这导致了一场爆炸性的结局。

