Comedy-drama about a middle-aged Italian businessman Vittorio Gassman who is married to Eleanor Parker and is innocently introduced one day to a schoolgirl with pigtails named Carolina. Years later, the schoolgirl has become a promiscuous young[ZiYuantun.Com] woman (Ann-Margret) and she pursues him and sucks him into an on-again-off-again romantic tryst where she pulls the strings. "Kitten with a Whip - Italian Style!" 译文(3): 一部喜剧,讲述了一位意大利中年商人维托里奥·加斯曼与埃莉诺·帕克结婚,有一天被无辜地介绍给了一位留着辫子的女学生,名叫卡罗琳{资源屯}。多年后,这个女学生变成了一个滥交的年轻女人(安·玛格丽特饰),她追求他,并把他吸引到一场时断时续的浪漫幽会中,在那里她牵线搭桥";带鞭子的小猫-意大利风格";