Unable to find justice for her sister, who killed herself after being raped a decade ago, avenging angel Zola Kunene lures the man she believes responsible to an empty apartment - She ties him up and puts on a show-trial, live-streamed on social-media. The public will be judge and jury.Should it be necessary, Zola will be the executioner. 译文(2): 她的妹妹在十年前被强奸后自杀身亡,她无法为妹妹讨回公道,复仇天使佐拉 · 库内内(Zola Kunene)把她认为应对此事负责的男人引诱到一间空荡荡的公寓里——她把他绑起来,在社交媒体上直播了一场公开审{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。公众将是法官和陪审团。如果有必要的话,{Ziyuantun.Com}佐拉会是刽子手。