"The Simone Biles Story: Courage to Soar" follows Simone Biles through the sacrifi【ZiYuanTun.Com】ces and hard work that led her to win 19 Olympic & World Championship medals and ultimately cemented her stake as one of the greatest gymnasts of all time. Simone's journey from foster care to the Olympic podium - with all of its triumphs & heartbreaks - can serve as an inspiration for every little girl with a dream. 译文(2): 《西蒙妮 · 拜尔斯的故事: 飞翔的勇气》讲述了西蒙妮 · 拜尔斯通过牺牲和努力赢得19枚奥运会和世锦赛奖牌的故事,并最终巩固了她作为有史以来最伟大的体操运动员之一的地{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。西蒙妮从寄养家庭到奥林匹克领奖台的旅程——所有的成功和心碎——可以成为每个有梦想的小女孩的灵感。