On December 14, 1997, a made-for-television film based on the book was aired on CBS as a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, and is now on DVD. The movie was directed by John Erman, screenplay by Maria Nation and Wi[ZiYuantun.Com]lliam Hanley. The movie is rated PG-13 for some abusive treatment of a child, and is 120 minutes including commercials. The movie was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Cast: Julie Harris - Lenora Nelson Jena Malone - Ellen Foster Ted Levine - Bill Hammond Glynnis O'Connor - Charlotte Nelson Hammond Debra Monk - Aunt Nadine Kimberly J. Brown - Dora Barbara Garrick - Aunt Betsy Kate Burton - Abigail Zeljko Ivanek - Chief Inspector Lynne Moody - Mrs. Douglas Bill Nunn - Mr. Douglas Allison Jones - Starletta Douglas Amanda Peet - Julia Hobbs Timothy Olyphant - Roy Hobbs [edit] 译文(3): 1997年12月14日,根据这本书制作的电视电影在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)作为霍尔马克名人堂(Hallmark Hall of Fame)电影播出,目前正在DVD{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影由约翰·埃尔曼执导,玛丽亚·Nation和威廉·汉利编剧。这部电影因虐待儿童而被评为PG-13级,片长120分钟,包括广告。这部电影在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华拍摄。