



    • 主演: 玛丽·奥登伯格Tiago


    An unapologetically millennial view of Los Angeles, Melrose is a truly rare, and original, cinematic experience. It's La La Land - on acid; 500 Days of Summer - off its meds; The Graduate - for the college dropout. Financed entirely with college tuition payments, and produced independently with zero compromise by a crew with a median age of 21, it's "a crazy, color blast of a movie." (Actors Awards LA) and an authentic debut by director Soren James. Featuring award-winning, unforgettable debut performances from Jinny Ryann and Drew Koles, alongside irreverent, scene-stealing debuts from Merlin Froyd and Marie Oldenbourg, it's dark, hilarious, heartbreaking, and spontaneous; sometimes all at once. With a hugely evocative soundtra{Ziyuantun.Com}ck, a smart script, eye-popping widescreen cinematography, frenetic, fast paced editing, and a clever use of long, unbroken takes - the result is a rollercoaster ride, an experience comparable only to actually being in your twenties, with all its ups and downs.   译文(2): 梅尔罗斯是一个毫无歉意的洛杉矶千禧一代的观点,是一个真正罕见的,原始的,电影的经{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。爱乐之城——迷幻药; 500天的夏天——停药; 毕业生—— The College Dropout。这部电影完全由大学学费支付,由一群年龄中位数为21岁的工作人员独立制作,没有任何妥协,堪称“一部疯狂的彩色电影”(洛杉矶演员奖)和导演索伦 · 詹姆斯的真实处女作。影片包括金妮 · 瑞安和德鲁 · 科尔斯获奖无数、令人难忘的处女作表演,以及梅林 · 弗洛伊德和玛丽 · 奥尔登堡不敬的、引人注目的处女作表演。影片黑暗、滑稽、令人心碎、自然而然; 有时一下子全部上演。这部电影有着令人回味无穷的配乐、精巧的剧本、令人瞠目结舌的宽银幕摄影、疯狂的剪辑、快节奏的剪辑,以及巧妙地运用了冗长、连贯的镜头——其结果就是一次过山车之旅,这种体验只能与二十多岁的年轻人相提并论,充满了跌宕起伏。

