




    Dr. Braun is forbidden to practice medicine because he's a Jew living in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia. He's old, seems resigned about the fate of the Jews, and even works in the Department of Confiscation of Jewish Property. One day a neighbor asks him to assist a wounded political fugitive. Dr. Braun reluctantly operates to remove the bullet, but warns that plenty of morphine will soon be needed in order to keep the man from screaming when he awakes, which would attract unwanted attention. After some soul searching, Dr. Braun decides to redeem himself and reclaim his identify as a person and doctor by continuing to provide assistance. His search for the scarce morphine takes him on a nightmarish journey which includes a brothel where local women are forced to be prostitutes for German soldie{Ziyuantun.Com}rs, a bar where the locals try to drown their misery in booze and dancing, and a Jewish insane asylum with a high suicide rate. Meanwhile, in a world where there is constant propaganda instructing people to report any suspicious or disloyal activities, it may only be a matter of time before someone in Dr. Braun's apartment building call in the state police. Written by TimeNTide   译文(2): 布劳恩医生被禁止行医因为他是犹太人住在纳粹占领的捷克斯洛伐{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他老了,似乎对犹太人的命运无可奈何,甚至在没收犹太人财产部门工作。一天,一个邻居请他帮助一个受伤的政治逃犯。布劳恩博士不情愿地动手术取出子弹,但警告说,为了防止这名男子醒来时发出尖叫,很快就需要大量吗啡,这会引起不必要的注意。经过一番自我反省之后,布劳恩医生决定挽回自己的名誉,并通过继续提供帮助来重新获得他作为一个人和医生的身份。为了寻找稀缺的吗啡,他踏上了一段噩梦般的旅程,其中包括一家妓院,当地妇女被迫为德国士兵卖淫,一家酒吧,当地人试图用酒精和舞蹈来淹没她们的痛苦,以及一家自杀率很高的犹太疯人院。与此同时,在一个不断有宣传指示人们报告任何可疑或不忠活动的世界里,布劳恩博士公寓楼里的人打电话报警可能只是时间问题。作者: TimeNTide


