The young owner of a waxworks in Hollywood receives five instead of six ordered chests with Romanian antiques. He does not know that Vanessa, widow of Count Dracula, sleeps in the sixth chest. She rises in the night and walks around craving for blood. A thief witnessing the murder of his accomplice sets the police on the trail of the waxworks. The grandson of Dr. Van Helsing is is hunting the vampire, too. 译文(【ZiYuanTun.Com】2): 好莱坞一家蜡像馆的年轻老板收到的礼物是五件,而不是六件罗马尼亚古{资源屯}。他不知道凡妮莎,德古拉伯爵的遗孀,睡在第六个箱子里。她在夜里醒来,四处走动,渴望血液。一个小偷目睹了他的同伙被谋杀,这使得警察追踪到了蜡像馆。Van Helsing 医生的孙子也在追捕吸血鬼。