This comedy filled with much Jewish humor is about the widows Doris, Ester and Lucille, whose husbands die one after another in just a few years. Even though the three friends, all in their 50's, react quite differently on their husbands deaths they become even closer than what they were as couples. They frequently visit their husband's graves together and talk about perspective lives. 译文(2): 这部充满犹太幽默的喜剧讲述的是寡妇多丽丝、埃斯特和露西尔的故事,她们的丈夫在短短几年内相继去{资源屯}。尽管这三个朋友,都是50多岁的人,对丈夫的死反应完全不同,但是他们变得比夫妻关系更亲密。他们经常一起拜[ZiYuantun.Com]访丈夫的坟墓,谈论未来的生活。