The Pez Outlaw

The Pez Outlaw



    • 主演: 未知


    This incredible fish-out-of-water story follows the adventures of Steve Glew, a small-town Michigan man, who boards a plane for Eastern Europe soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall. His mission is to locate a secret factory that holds the key to the most desired and valuable Pez dispensers. If he succeeds, he will pull his family out of debt and finally be able to quit his job of 25 years. Steve becomes the hero of his own adventure, smuggling 【ZiYuanTun.Com】the rarest of goods into the U.S. and making millions in the process. It was all magical, until his arch-nemesis, The Pezident decided to destroy him.   译文(2): 这个令人难以置信的离水之鱼的故事讲述了密歇根州一个小镇男子史蒂夫 · 格鲁的冒险故事,他在柏林墙倒塌后不久登上了飞往东欧的飞{资源屯}。他的任务是找到一个秘密工厂那里有最想要的和最有价值的糖果机的钥匙。如果他成功了,他将使他的家庭摆脱债务,并最终能够辞去他25年的工作。史蒂夫成为了他自己冒险的英雄,走私最稀有的商品到美国,在这个过程中赚了数百万美元。一切都很神奇,直到他的死对头 Pezident 决定毁了他。


