After five men previously acquitted of various criminal charges are murdered by a mysterious avenger known as Dr. Rx, police Inspector Hurd (Edmund MacDonald) and Sergeant Sweeney (Shemp Howard) ask private investigator Jerry Church (Patric Knowles) to help them on the case. He takes the case after talking to Dudley Crispin (Samuel S. Hinds), a brilliant attorney who had defended three of the murdered men. Crispin gains an acquittal for his lates【ZiYuanTun.Com】t client, Zarini (Matty Fain), but the latter falls dead in the courtroom. Jerry marries Kit Logan (Anne Gwynne), who becomes frightened and persuades Jerry to quit the case. He stays however after Ernie Paul (John Gallaudet), suspected of the Zarini murder, threatens to "get" him if he does not stay on and clear Paul. Dr. Rx captures Jerry and attempts to frighten him into insanity by strapping him on an operating table, and pretending to exchange the detective's brain for a gorilla. [From TCM] 译文(2): 在五名先前被宣告无罪的男子被一个神秘的复仇者谋杀后,赫德警官(埃德蒙 · 麦克唐纳饰)和斯威尼警官(舍普 · 霍华德饰)请求私家侦探杰里 · 丘奇(帕特里克 · 诺尔斯饰)协助调查此{资源屯}。他在与曾为三名被害人辩护的杰出律师达德利 · 克里斯宾(塞缪尔 · S · 海因兹饰)交谈后接下了这个案子。克里斯宾的最新客户扎里尼(马蒂 · 费恩饰)获得无罪释放,但后者在法庭上死亡。杰瑞娶了基特洛根(安妮格温) ,谁变得害怕,并说服杰瑞退出的情况下。然而,他留在后厄尼保罗(约翰加劳德特) ,涉嫌谋杀扎里尼,威胁“得到”他,如果他不留下来,清除保罗。Rx 医生抓住了 Jerry,并试图通过把他绑在手术台上,假装用侦探的大脑换一只大猩猩来恐吓他。[来自 TCM ]