




    The Savage Three are three young men, fresh into the world, who work together at a computer analysis company. All three appear to be calm, level-headed, well-educated young men with the world at their fingertips. They are best friends, working together by day & playfully carousing at night. Dominating their carousing is Ovidio Mainardi, played by the handsome Joe Dallesandro. Ovid is married to a beautiful woman who is never home - she is a doctor who has put her career ahead of her marriage. As Ovid wiles away his days in front of a computer, doing repetitive, monotonous computations, he constantly glances at white mice kept trapped in a glass cage in the facility in which he works. He watches the mice as they trample each other wildly; he begins to ponder his own inner feelings of entrapment. His own frustrat[ZiYuantun.Com]ion at being in a loveless marriage and monotone job boils over into lawlessness when he and his buddies cross the line from carousing to crime. Fango Bollente, also known as Savage Three and Hot Mud, follows these three handsome, young men through the busy streets of downtown Rome as they act out their frustrations in raw acts of violence. This Italian film is a treat for any Joe Dallensandro fan - he is completely unlikable as the complacently conniving & cruel Ovidio.   译文(3): 野蛮三人是三个刚进入这个世界的年轻人,他们一起在一家计算机分析公司工{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。三人看起来都是冷静、冷静、受过良好教育的年轻人,世界触手可及。他们是最好的朋友,白天一起工作;晚上开玩笑地狂欢。主导他们狂欢的是奥维迪奥·梅纳尔迪,由英俊的乔·达尔桑德罗扮演。奥维德嫁给了一位从不回家的美女——她是一位将事业置于婚姻之上的医生。当奥维德在电脑前消磨时间,做重复、单调的计算时,他不断地瞥一眼被困在他工作的设施里的玻璃笼子里的小白鼠。他看着老鼠疯狂地互相践踏;他开始思考自己内心的陷阱感。当他和他的伙伴们从狂欢走向犯罪时,他自己对处于一段没有爱情的婚姻和单调的工作中的沮丧情绪演变成了无法无天。Fango Bollente,又名Savage Three和Hot Mud,跟随这三个英俊的年轻人穿过罗马市中心繁忙的街道,用原始的暴力行为表达他们的不满。这部意大利电影对任何乔·达伦桑德罗的粉丝来说都是一种享受——他作为一个自满的纵容者是完全不讨人喜欢的;残忍的奥维迪奥。


