Land of Dreams is a political satire set in the near future where America has closed its borders and become more insular than ever. The story follows Simin, an Iranian American woman, on a journey to discover the core of what it means to be a free American. She works for the most important government agency of her time, the Census Bureau. In efforts to understand and control its populous, the government has begun a program to record the citizen's dreams. Simin, one of the Census Bureau's lead dream catchers, is unaware of this devious plot. She herself, being among the last immigrants allowed into the country, is torn between her appreciation for America's acceptance, compassion for those whose dreams she is recording and a truth she must find within. Playful and poignant, Land of Dreams acknowledges the greatness of the American experiment while offering a warning beacon for what could come. 译文(3): 《梦想之地》是一部政治讽刺片,故事发生在不久的将来,美国关闭了边境,变得比以往任何时候都更加孤{资源屯}。故事讲述了一位伊朗裔美国女性Simin的故事,她踏上了一段探索作为一个自由美国人意味着什么的核心的旅程。她为她那个时代最重要的政府机构人口普查局工作。为了了解和控制人口,政府已经开始了一项记录公民梦想的计划。Simin是人口普查局的主要追梦人之一,他并没有意识到这个狡猾的阴谋。作为最后一批获准入境的移民{Ziyuantun.Com}之一,她本人在对美国接受的赞赏、对那些她正在记录梦想的人的同情和她必须在内心找到的真相之间左右为难。《梦想之地》既有趣又辛酸,它承认了美国实验的伟大,同时也为可能发生的事情提供了警告。