A new scene of troubled, lo-fi young rappers has emerged from Trump's America, utilizing the {Ziyuantun.Com}SoundCloud streaming platform to quickly become the most culturally disruptive force in hip hop, shocking the world with their rambunctious antics, prescription drug use, facial tattoos, and rebellious punk energy. We examine the SoundCloud rap scene's biggest stars from within the culture as well placing them in the broader musical context in an attempt to understand how we arrived here and where we are headed. Written by Justin Staple and Braxton Pope 译文(2): 特朗普领导下的美国出现了一群麻烦不断、低保真的年轻说唱歌手,他们利用 SoundCloud 流媒体平台迅速成为嘻哈文化中最具颠覆性的力量,他们的喧闹滑稽、使用处方药、面部纹身和叛逆的朋克能量震惊了世{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。我们从文化的角度审视 SoundCloud 说唱现场最大的明星,同时将他们放在更广阔的音乐语境中,试图理解我们是如何来到这里,以及我们将走向何方。作者: Justin Staple 和 Braxton Pope