After posting a brash dat【ZiYuanTun.Com】ing ad online, Marsha Day is thrown into the limelight when Perez Hilton shares the video with his legion of followers. Becoming a viral hit, Marsha is scooped up by a talent manager who creates a hit online channel based on Marsha's life and shenanigans. But as Marsha gains fame and fortune, she is forced to wrestle with her sense of identity in a celebrity-obsessed world. Things become hotter and more complicated when she's wooed by a handsome fitness entrepreneur who challenges her ideas of a fairy tale romance. Starring real Youtubers and innovatively told, Viral Beauty is an innovative tech-comedy not to be missed. 译文(3): 在网上发布了一则傲慢的约会广告后,当佩雷斯·希尔顿与他的众多粉丝分享视频时,玛莎·戴成为了众人瞩目的焦{资源屯}。玛莎迅速走红,被一位人才经理看中,他根据玛莎的生活和恶作剧创建了一个热门在线频道。但随着玛莎获得名声和财富,她被迫在一个痴迷于名人的世界里与自己的身份感作斗争。当她被一位英俊的健身企业家追求时,事情变得越来越热,越来越复杂,这位企业家挑战了她童话般的浪漫想法。《病毒美人》由真正的Youtuber主演,讲述新颖,是一部不容错过的创新科技喜剧。