Under somewhat murky circumstances, American independent filmmaker Jon Moritsugu was invited by{Ziyuantun.Com} PBS to make an hour-long film. The result was the nightmarish Terminal USA, a garishly lit version of the American Dream filmed on the ugliest sitcom set imaginable. "... Moritsugu turns the American sitcom family on its head with "Terminal USA," a post-punk, psychedelic picnic brimming with wholesome depravity and playfully twisted stereotypes." You'll find it here in its 70 minute "director's cut" version (more about that in the quoted interview segments below). 译文(3): 在有些模糊的情况下,美国独立电影制作人Jon Moritsugu受PBS邀请拍摄了一部长达一小时的电{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。结果是噩梦般的《美国终点站》,这是一部在可以想象到的最丑陋的情景喜剧场景中拍摄的美国梦的华丽版本。