A feature-film shot in Edinburgh, Scotland following the journey of a Chinese student who comes to study in the UK. The film unravels the story of her time in the country upon her arrival as she faces many cultural confusions [ZiYuantun.Com]and adjustments meeting a number of interesting characters along the way. However, as she matures in her thinking and outlook she begins to question even more important questions about her very existence as she builds relationships with a number of friends from an international church. 译文(2): 这是一部在苏格兰爱丁堡拍摄的故事片,讲述了一个来英国留学的中国学生的旅{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影讲述了她来到这个国家时的故事,她面临着许多文化上的困惑和调整,一路上遇到了许多有趣的人物。然而,随着她思想和观点的成熟,她开始质疑关于她存在的更重要的问题,因为她与一些来自国际教会的朋友建立了关系。