
主演:阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克 雅采克·布拉茨亚克 罗伯特·温茨凯维奇 尤安娜·库里克 马太乌兹·维克拉韦克 亚采克·贝勒 巴托 


类型: 剧情 喜剧 电影 波兰 2018

豆瓣ID:30340276 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt8738964 IMDb评分:7.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:神父们1080P蓝光下载 神父们免费下载 神父们 

时长:133 分钟

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A few years ago, the tragic events combined the fate of three Catholic priests. Now, on every anniversary of the catastrophe that they miraculously escaped with their lives, the clergy meet to celebrate the fact of their survival. Every day they arrange very differently. Lisowski (Jacek Braciak) is a curia worker in a big city and makes a career dreaming about the Vatican. The problem is that Archbishop Mordowicz (Janusz Gajos) is standing in his way, a luxurious dignitary who uses political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland... The second of the priests - Trybus (Robert Wieckiewicz), unlike Lisowski, is a rural pastor. Serving in a place full of poverty, he increasingly succumbs to human weaknesses. Kukule (Arkadiusz Jakubik) is also not very successful, who - despite his fervent faith - actually loses the trust of parishioners day by day. Soon, the stories of the three clergy will merge once again, and the events that will {Ziyuantun.Com}take place will have an impact on the life of each of them.   译文(2): 几年前,这场悲剧结合了三位天主教神父的命{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。现在,在每一个他们奇迹般逃过一劫的灾难周年纪念日,神职人员聚集在一起庆祝他们幸存的事实。他们每天的安排非常不同。里索夫斯基(雅克 · 布拉西亚克饰)是一位在大城市工作的教廷工作人员,他的职业梦想是梵蒂冈。问题是莫多维奇大主教(亚努什 · 加霍斯饰)挡了他的路,一个利用政治影响力建造了波兰最大的圣殿的奢侈的达官贵人... ... 第二个牧师——特里布斯(罗伯特 · 维基维奇饰) ,不像里索夫斯基,是一个乡村牧师。在一个充满贫穷的地方服役,他越来越屈服于人类的弱点。Kukule (Arkadiusz Jakubik 饰)也不是很成功,尽管他有着狂热的信仰,但实际上他一天天地失去了教区居民的信任。很快,这三个神职人员的故事将再次融合,而将要发生的事件将会对他们每个人的生活产生影响。

