


类型: 电影 澳大利亚 1980

豆瓣ID:暂无 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0080513 IMDb评分:0.0

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

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An earthquake in rural Australia causes {Ziyuantun.Com}a dangerous leak at WALDO, a nuclear waste storage facility. Heinrich Schmidt, an engineer badly hurt in the accident, knows that the leak will poison the groundwater for hundreds of miles around, and wants to warn the public. His boss, however, is only interested in protecting himself, and believes the accident should be covered up, even at the expense of thousands of lives. Heinrich escapes from the facility, but is too badly injured to get very far. Lost in the woods and suffering from amnesia, he is rescued by Larry, an auto mechanic on vacation with his wife, Carmel. As Heinrich tries to piece together his memories of what happened, his boss' thugs are quickly closing in on the trio.   译文(2): 澳大利亚农村地区发生地震,导致核废料储存设施 WALDO 发生危险泄{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在事故中受重伤的工程师海因里希 · 施密特(Heinrich Schmidt)知道,泄漏将毒化方圆数百英里的地下水,因此想要警告公众。然而,他的老板只关心保护自己,并认为事故应该被掩盖,即使牺牲成千上万的生命也在所不惜。海因里希逃出了设施,但受伤太严重,无法走得很远。他在树林里迷了路,患上了失忆症,被拉里救了出来。拉里是一名汽车修理工,正和妻子卡梅尔一起度假。当海因里希试图拼凑他对发生的事情的记忆时,他老板的暴徒们正在迅速接近这三个人。

