This is the original footage of the Nazi Death Camps which were taken by the Allies when they captured and liberated them. This is direct evidence that was used against the Nazis during the Nuremburg Trials. Very rare, and almost impossible to find on the web. This is completely uncensored rarely any video cutting. The only narration is what the Allies Chief Commander narrating t{Ziyuantun.Com}he conditions while showing it around. The quality is average, but what can you expect? This was shot by army camera men in 1944 and was never digitally mastered. 译文(3): 这是盟军占领并解放纳粹死亡营地时拍摄的纳粹死亡营地的原始镜{资源屯}。这是纽伦堡审判期间用来对付纳粹的直接证据。