Death to the summer deals with the loss of dreams and innocence, where small battles like the heartbreak of first love or the stage fright before your first gig, carry such a heavy burden on its characters and th{Ziyuantun.Com}eir chaotic world. It's a story told from a teenager's point of view, in a violent and dying city where there's still room for hope. 译文(3): 《夏日之死》讲述了梦想和纯真的丧失,在那里,像初恋的心碎或第一场演出前的舞台恐惧这样的小战斗给剧中的角色和他们混乱的世界带来了沉重的负{资源屯}。这是一个从青少年的角度讲述的故事,在一个暴力和垂死的城市里,仍然有希望的空间。