




    Gaspar de Carvajal, a Dominican, has not seen his family since the age of 10 when he was sent away to pursue the religious life. He attends the funeral of his father, where he notices that the body was washed, then buried in a shroud and without a coffin. Gaspar tells his confessor that he suspects his family, Jews converted to Catholicism, are still following the old ways. Father Lorenzo says this matter must be taken before the Inquisition. Alonso de Peralta, chief Inquisitor of New Spain, orders the Carvajal family arrested on the testimony of their son. Hernando, a Franciscan friar, is sent as a spy to the cell of Luis, Gaspar's brother. Luis's faith converts Hernando to Judaism. Under torture, Luis's mother Francisca confesses. Each family member renounces the Jewish heresy and is allowed to leave prison. But they are warned. If they revert to Judaism a second time, they will be burnt at the stake... Written by David Carless   译文(2): 加斯帕·德·卡瓦哈尔是多米尼加人,自从10岁被送去追求宗教生活后,就再也没有见过家{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他参加了父亲的葬礼,在那里他注意到尸体被清洗过,然后被裹在寿衣里,没有棺材。加斯帕告诉他的忏悔者,他怀疑他的犹太家庭,皈依天主教的犹太人,仍然沿用旧的方式。洛伦佐神父说这件事必须在宗教法庭之前解决。新西班牙首席检察官 Alonso【ZiYuanTun.Com】 de Peralta 下令逮捕 Carvajal 一家,因为他们儿子的证词。赫尔南多,一个方济会修道士,作为一个间谍被派往路易斯,加斯帕的兄弟的细胞。路易斯的信仰使赫尔南多皈依犹太教。路易斯的母亲弗朗西斯卡在严刑拷打下承认。每个家庭成员都放弃了犹太异端邪说,并被允许离开监狱。但他们被警告了。如果他们第二次回归犹太教,他们将被烧死在火刑柱上... 作者: David Carless


