Enter the Devil is a great American-made B horror movie. Peop【ZiYuanTun.Com】le are disappearing in the wastelands. An occult researcher discovers that a devil-worshipping cult isresponsible. Her inquiries lead her into great danger. Who can she trust? Very well acted by a cast of unknowns. Gritty and atmospheric. 译文(2): 《魔鬼入侵》是一部伟大的美国 B 级恐怖电{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。人们在荒地上消失。一位神秘学研究者发现一个崇拜魔鬼的邪教组织是罪魁祸首。她的询问使她陷入极大的危险之中。她能相信谁?一群不知名的演员演得很好。坚韧不拔,充满气氛。