In this sequel film, all the characters remain the same; Al is still unemployed, Jane still has show-biz aspirations for boyfrien[ZiYuantun.Com]d Steve; Steve and Seymour are still partners, and Irma is still Irma, which isn't all that easy. Al gets Steve a singing job on television, which is seen by a Hollywood producer. He signs Steve to a long term movie contract, and all hands depart for Hollywood. But, alas, the producer turns out to be an escaped lunatic, and they end up in Las Vegas, where Irma manages to get kidnapped by gangsters, who are very unhappy with Irma. 译文(3): 在这部续集电影中,所有的角色都保持不变;艾尔仍然失业,简仍然渴望成为演艺圈的男朋友史蒂夫;Steve和Seymour仍然是合作伙伴,Irma仍然是Irma,这并不容{资源屯}。艾尔在电视上给史蒂夫找了一份唱歌的工作,一位好莱坞制片人看到了这份工作。他与史蒂夫签订了一份长期电影合同,所有人都前往好莱坞。但是,唉,制片人原来是一个逃跑的疯子,他们最终来到了拉斯维加斯,在那里,伊尔玛被歹徒绑架了,歹徒对伊尔玛非常不满。