简介:Vampire Barnabas Collins is released from [ZiYuantun.Com]his prison and searches for a cure to his affliction, so he can marry the incarnation of his lost love. 译文(2): 吸血鬼巴纳巴斯 · 柯林斯从监狱里被释放出来,并寻找治愈他痛苦的方法,这样他就可以和他失去的爱人的化身结婚了。
Vampire Barnabas Collins is released from [ZiYuantun.Com]his prison and searches for a cure to his affliction, so he can marry the incarnation of his lost love. 译文(2): 吸血鬼巴纳巴斯 · 柯林斯从监狱里被释放出来,并寻找治愈他痛苦的方法,这样他就可以和他失去的爱人的化身结婚{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。
Vampire Barnabas Collins is released from [ZiYuantun.Com]his prison and searches for a cure to his affliction, so he can marry the incarnation of his lost love. 译文(2): 吸血鬼巴纳巴斯 · 柯林斯从监狱里被释放出来,并寻找治愈他痛苦的方法,这样他就可以和他失去的爱人的化身结婚{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。