
主演:Carl 克里斯蒂娜·泽德尔鲍姆 Irene 保罗·比尔特 Annemarie 厄恩斯特·斯塔尔-纳什布拉 奥托·泰斯勒 


类型: 剧情 电影 德国 1944

豆瓣ID:3032598 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0037154 IMDb评分:6.7

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:牺牲1080P蓝光下载 牺牲免费下载 牺牲 

时长:98 分钟

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Aels, a rich and tempermental woman from the North, moves to Hamburg. She lives in a mansoin besides the newly married couple, Alrecht and Octavia. The friendship between Aels and Albrecht does not disturb the harmony of this marriage. But soon, Aels has a reoccurrence of a tropical disease, and because she is confined to bed, Albrecht rides by each day on his horse to her window and inquires as to her health. When, eventually, he gets sick with an epidemic, his wife takes over this dear service and greets Aels in her riding clothes, pretending to be Albrecht and comforting the{Ziyuantun.Com} sick woman, so as to not worry her about Albrecht also being sick. Aels, however, is not completely fooled and ends up dying of a broken heart. It turns out, she cannot live without Albrecht's love -something Albrecht only finds about from her last letter to him before her death.   译文(3): Aels,一个来自北方的富有且脾气暴躁的女人,搬到了汉{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。除了这对新婚夫妇Alrecht和Octavia,她还住在一个豪宅里。艾尔斯和阿尔布雷奇特之间的友谊并没有破坏这段婚姻的和谐。但很快,艾尔斯又患上了一种热带疾病,由于她只能卧床休息,阿尔布雷奇特每天骑着马经过她的窗户,询问她的健康状况。当他最终患上流行病时,他的妻子接管了这项宝贵的服务,并穿着骑行服迎接艾尔斯,假装是阿尔布雷奇特,安慰生病的女人,以免她担心阿尔布雷奇特也会生病。然而,Aels并没有完全被愚弄,最终死于心碎。事实证明,她离不开阿尔布雷奇特的爱——这是阿尔布雷奇特在去世前给他的最后一封信中才发现的。

