



    • 主演: 大卫·皮廷格


    1962. Yomama Bay. While the Japanese armed forces destroy yet another giant kaiju, a young paleontologist, {Ziyuantun.Com}Prof. Hiro Honda, rescues her offspring, whisking the mysterious red egg off to safety in friendly Cincinnati, Ohio (Ohio means "hello" in Japanese). However, as the jet arrives, he accidentally flushes the egg down the toilet. It disappears into the Ohio River just as a group of physicists, led by the brilliant (or maybe not) Dr. Richard Blowheart, are testing "uber-fission" power at SNUGI, the Secret Nuclear Underground Government Installation 500 stories beneath the city of Cincinnati. Shaken loose by testing, the egg is quickly discovered by Blowheart and his assistant, Dr. Shirley Yujest. The two soon meet Prof. Honda, who tells them that the egg contains a living Notzillasaurus Partiontilldon. The creature will remain small, he explains, as long as it is not exposed to alcohol. But if it is, it will grow hundreds of times larger(naturally) and attack the nearest city.   译文(3): 1962年,尤玛{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当日本武装部队摧毁另一只巨型kaiju时,一位年轻的古生物学家Honda Hiro教授救出了她的后代,将这只神秘的红蛋迅速带到了友好的俄亥俄州辛辛那提的安全地带(俄亥俄州在日语中的意思是“你好”)。然而,当喷气式飞机到达时,他不小心把鸡蛋冲下了厕所。它消失在俄亥俄河中,就在一群物理学家在才华横溢(也许不是)的Richard Blowheart博士的带领下,正在测试“;超级裂变“;位于辛辛那提市地下500层的秘密核地下政府设施SNUGI的电力。经过测试,Blowheart和他的助手Shirley Yujest博士很快发现了这个鸡蛋。两人很快就见到了本田教授,他告诉他们鸡蛋里有一只活的诺齐拉沙龙。他解释说,只要不接触酒精,这种生物就会保持较小的体型。但如果是这样的话,它会(自然地)扩大数百倍,并攻击最近的城市。

