
主演:弗兰克·辛纳特拉 迪恩·马丁 小萨米·戴维斯 平·克劳斯贝 彼得·法尔克 芭芭拉·拉什 Larry 查克·希克斯 肯纳G 


类型: 喜剧 歌舞 犯罪 电影 美国 1964

豆瓣ID:3345831 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0058529 IMDb评分:6.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:罗宾七侠1080P蓝光下载 罗宾七侠免费下载 罗宾七侠 

时长:123 分钟

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In prohibition-era Chicago, the corrupt sheriff and Guy Gisborne, a south-side racketeer, knock off the boss Big Jim. Everyone falls in line behind Guy except Robbo, who controls the north side. Although he's outgun[ZiYuantun.Com]ned, Robbo wants to keep his own territory. A pool-playing dude from Indiana and the director of a boys' orphanage join forces with Robbo; and, when he gives some money to the orphanage, he becomes the toast of the town as a hood like Robin Hood. Meanwhile, Guy schemes to get rid of Robbo, and Big Jim's heretofore unknown daughter Marian appears and goes from man to man trying to find an ally in her quest to run the whole show. Can Robbo hold things together?   译文(2): 在禁酒令时代的芝加哥,腐败的治安官盖伊 · 吉斯伯恩,一个南部的敲诈者,干掉了老大吉{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。除了控制北边的罗伯,所有人都排在盖伊后面。虽然他的火力不如罗伯,但他想保住自己的地盘。一个来自印第安纳州的打台球的家伙和一个男孩孤儿院的院长与罗伯联手,当他给孤儿院一些钱时,他成为了像罗宾汉一样的艾德·苏利文秀。与此同时,盖伊计划除掉罗伯,而大吉姆迄今为止不为人知的女儿玛丽安出现了,并从一个男人到另一个男人试图找到一个盟友,在她的追求中运行整个节目。罗伯能把事情处理好吗?

