When Spencer King, a United States Marine, returns home from a horrific wartime experience, his mundane reality leads him to gravitate towards a new and mysterious woman on her own determined journey. Together, they enter into a magical but destructive new relationship which ultimately exposes their essential truths. 译文(3): 当美国海军陆战队员斯宾塞·金(Spencer King)从一次可怕的战争经历中回到家中时,他世俗的现实让他在自己坚定的旅程中被一位新的神秘女性所吸{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们一起进入了一种神奇但具有破坏性的新关系,最终暴[ZiYuantun.Com]露了他们的本质真相。