In PUPPET MASTER XI - AXIS TERMINATION, the final chapter of the AXIS Saga, we find our heroic band of lethal puppets-BLADE, PINHEAD, TUNNELER, JESTER, SIX SHOOTER, and LEECH WOMAN, joining forces with a secret team of Allied Operatives, all masters of psychic powers, as they face off together against a new bunch of evil Nazi adversaries and their collection of vicious Axis Puppets in a showdown that will decide the future of the free world. 译文(3): 在《小【ZiYuanTun.Com】狗主人公XI-轴心终结》中,轴心传奇的最后一章,我们找到了致命的木偶英雄乐队——刀锋、针头、隧道、杰斯特、六枪和LEECH WOMAN,与盟军特工组成的秘密团队联手,所有通灵能力大师,www.leshikan.com他们将在一场决定自由世界未来的决战中,共同对抗新一批邪恶的纳粹对手和他们收集的邪恶轴心国傀{资源屯}。