
主演:François 弗雷德里克·吕绍 何塞·路易斯·戈麦斯 莫里斯·贝尼舒 缪缪 洛朗·马莱 F 


类型: 剧情 电影 法国 1978

豆瓣ID:4057308 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0078170 IMDb评分:5.6

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:通往南方的路WEB-1080P下载 通往南方的路免费下载 通往南方的路 

时长:France: 10

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Fathers and sons, and political exile. In the fall of 1975, Franco is dying but repression continues. Jules and Eve, living well in exile in France, continue to assist the{Ziyuantun.Com} resistance. The underground calls with a job for either, and Eve goes, to the disappointment of their son, Laurent, visiting his parents at their seaside place in Cherbourg and not getting on well with his father. When a road accident in Spain brings tragedy, the father and son's conflict worsens. After Laurent and his girlfriend, Julie, pay a harrowing visit to Jules, Julie stays, taking Jules as a lover. Revelations and admissions about Jules and Eve make way for new ground for Jules and Laurent.   译文(2): 父亲和儿子,政治流{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。1975年秋,佛朗哥即将死去,但镇压仍在继续。朱尔斯和夏娃,流亡法国过得很好,继续协助反抗军。地下组织要求他们中的任何一个找工作,伊芙去了,这让他们的儿子劳伦特很失望,他去了他们在瑟堡海边的地方看望他的父母,并且和他的父亲相处得不好。当西班牙发生交通事故带来悲剧时,父子之间的冲突加剧了。在劳伦特和他的女朋友朱莉去看望朱莉之后,朱莉留了下来,把朱莉当作情人。关于朱尔斯和夏娃的启示和承认为朱尔斯和劳伦腾出了新的空间。

