"Los tallos amargos" is a great example of film noir released out of USA. Following the tradition of classic Hollywood (the most brillant time in the history of cinema), this picture tell us the story of a poor journalist who, trying to make easy money, begins to work with an hungarian inmigrant. They start a fake journalism school and soon their pockets are full of dirty money. When the journalist begins to have suspects on your partner, the plot will become most than interesting. A perfect movie, a very good story. A picture that looks like any american film of that time. 译文(2): “ Los tallos amargos”是从美国发行的黑色电影的一个很好的例{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。遵循经典好莱坞(电影史上最辉煌的时期)的传统,这张照片向我们讲述了一个贫穷的记者为了轻松赚钱,开始和一个匈牙利移民一起工作的故【ZiYuanTun.Com】事。他们开办了一所假的新闻学校,很快他们的口袋里就装满了脏钱。当记者开始怀疑你的搭档时,情节会变得非常有趣。一部完美的电影,一个非常好的故事。一部看起来像当时任何一部美国电影的电影。