简介:The story follows teenager Jack Benson. Jack is on the hunt for his birth mother he finds she has been a regular all along at the nearby Griddle House. 译文(2): 故事讲述了少年杰克 · 本森的故事。杰克正在寻找他的生母,他发现她一【ZiYuanTun.Com】直是附近 Griddle House 的常客。
The story follows teenager Jack Benson. Jack is on the hunt for his birth mother he finds she has been a regular all along at the nearby Griddle House. 译文(2): 故事讲述了少年杰克 · 本森的故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。杰克正在寻找他的生母,他发现她一【ZiYuanTun.Com】直是附近 Griddle House 的常客。
The story follows teenager Jack Benson. Jack is on the hunt for his birth mother he finds she has been a regular all along at the nearby Griddle House. 译文(2): 故事讲述了少年杰克 · 本森的故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。杰克正在寻找他的生母,他发现她一【ZiYuanTun.Com】直是附近 Griddle House 的常客。