




    The wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor o ne at that, is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees' anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary's boyfriend is Joe O'Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things[ZiYuantun.Com] he doesn't like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee's point of view.   译文(2): 世界上最富有的人,约翰 · P · 梅里克,是一个喜欢匿名的{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。尼利的百货公司是他众多资产中的一个,也是其中的一个小资产。店里出现了劳资纠纷,大部分员工的愤怒都指向了梅里克,尽管不知道他长什么样,他们还是把他的肖像挂在店外。梅里克对他所看到的情况并不满意,决定去商店里做卧底,把那些煽动暴民的人赶出去。梅里克以托马斯 · 希金斯(Thomas Higgins)的身份卧底,被分配到鞋业部门担任销售职员。在那里,他受到同事玛丽 · 琼斯(Mary Jones)的照顾,琼斯认为希金斯是一个需要朋友指导的穷人。其中一个朋友是伊丽莎白 · 埃利斯,玛丽认为她可能是“希金斯夫人”。玛丽的男朋友是乔 · 奥布莱恩,这些员工的主要组织者,其中400人跟随乔起诉了这家商店和梅里克。在店里,梅里克不仅想要400人的名单,还想改变店里那些他不喜欢的东西,其中最主要的是他的鞋部经理,胡珀先生。但作为希金斯,梅里克也开始看到一些不同的东西,特别是从雇员的角度来看。


