The original Italian is La Viaccia (the name of the family farm which motivates the plot). The death of a wealthy patriarch in 1885 sets off an interfamily power struggle. Son Ferdinando buys out his other relatives in order to gain full control over the dead man's property. But Ferdinando's nephew Amerigo holds out. Amerigo's stance is weakened when he heads for Florence and meets prostitute Bianca. 译文(2): 最[ZiYuantun.Com]初的意大利语是 La Viaccia (家庭农场的名字,激发了情节{资源屯}。1885年,一位富有的家长去世,引发了家族内部的权力斗争。儿子费迪南多买下了他的其他亲戚,以获得对死者财产的完全控制权。但费迪南多的侄子亚美利哥坚持。当 Amerigo 前往佛罗伦萨与妓女 Bianca 会面时,他的立场被削弱了。