Alice and her best friend Lauren inadvertently set a hellish curse in motion after surprisin[ZiYuantun.Com]gly acquiring a mysterious shrunken head. Wanting to know more about their fiendish find, they pay a visit to a popular paranormal podcast host Hunter Perry of "Beyond the Veil". Hunter discovers it's true authenticity of the ages-old object and in hopes of creating a rating boost, he plans a LIVE podcast in which the tale of the shrunken head will be introduced to the masses. Little do they know by playing the game and calling her name they will release the malevolent demonic spirit of Lilith Ratchet. 译文(2): 爱丽丝和她最好的朋友劳伦意外地获得了一个神秘的缩小的头部后,不经意间引发了一个地狱般的诅{资源屯}。为了进一步了解他们的恶魔般的发现,他们拜访了广受欢迎的超自然播客主持人亨特 · 佩里的“面纱之外”。亨特发现了这个古老物件的真实性,为了提高收视率,他计划在一个现场播客中向大众介绍这个缩小的头部的故事。他们不知道,通过玩游戏和呼唤她的名字,他们将释放邪恶的恶魔精神的莉莉丝棘轮。