The S. S. Claridon is scheduled for her five last voyages after thirty-eight years of service. After an explosion in the boiler room, Captai[ZiYuantun.Com]n Robert Adams (George Sanders) is reluctant to evacuate the steamship. While the crew fights to hold a bulkhead between the flooded boiler room and the engine room and avoid the sinking of the vessel, the passenger Cliff Henderson (Robert Stack) struggles against time trying to save his beloved wife Laurie Henderson (Dorothy Malone), who is trapped under a steel beam in her cabin, with the support of the crewmember Hank Lawson (Woody Strode). 译文(2): 克拉里登号计划在服役三十八年后进行最后五次航{资源屯}。锅炉房发生爆炸后,船长罗伯特 · 亚当斯(乔治 · 桑德斯饰)不愿意撤离轮船。当船员们在被淹的锅炉房和机房之间努力撑住舱壁,避免船只沉没时,乘客克里夫 · 亨德森(罗伯特 · 斯塔克[ Robert Stack ]饰)奋力抢救他深爱的妻子劳丽 · 亨德森(多萝西 · 马龙[ Dorothy Malone ]饰) ,她在船员汉克 · 劳森(伍迪 · 斯特罗德[ Woody Strod ]饰)的支持下被困在船舱的钢梁下。