The Sublet is a suspense driven psychological thriller about Joanna, a new mom coping with her baby alone in an odd sublet apartment. As her husband neglects her to focus on his career, Joanna questions her sanity as she discovers a violent past to the apartment and suspects that the building may be haunted. 译文(3): 《转租者》是一部悬疑心理惊悚片,讲述了乔安娜的故事,她是一位新妈妈,在一间奇怪的转租公寓里独自处理她的孩{资源屯}。由于丈夫忽视了她专注于自己的事业,乔安娜发现公寓有暴力的过去,并怀疑大【ZiYuanTun.Com】楼可能闹鬼,因此质疑自己的理智