ufus Sinclair was a cranky old millionaire with a terrible fear of being buried alive. After his apparent death, clauses in his will meant to prevent his being buried alive are violated by his uncaring family, and soon a masked {Ziyuantun.Com}figure begins prowling the family's Connecticut estate, slaughtering the family members one by one in a variety of separate, horrible ways. 译文(2): Ufus Sinclair 是个暴躁的老百万富翁,非常害怕被活{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在他死后,他遗嘱中旨在防止他被活埋的条款被他冷漠的家人所违反,很快一个蒙面人开始在他家位于康涅狄格州的庄园里徘徊,用各种各样的独立的、可怕的方式一个接一个地屠杀他的家人。