The Greenhouse is a magic-realist drama that centres on the eldest child of two women, Beth, who discovers a portal into the past on their family property. On the cusp of her widowed mother Ruth's sixtieth birthday and the return of her dysfunctio【ZiYuanTun.Com】nal siblings Drew, Doonie and Raf, Beth is swept away by visions of their idyllic childhood and re-lives the moments that defined her adolescence. Despite Ruth's warnings, and as real-world tensions grow between the siblings, Beth becomes dependant on the greenhouse, soon realising it isn't the paradise she believed it to be. 译文(3): 《温室》是一部魔幻现实主义戏剧,以两个女人的长子贝丝为中心,贝丝在她们的家庭财产上发现了一个通往过去的门{资源屯}。在寡居的母亲露丝60岁生日的前夕,以及她功能失调的兄弟姐妹德鲁、杜妮和拉夫的回归,贝丝被他们田园诗般的童年景象所震撼,重新体验了定义她青春期的时刻。尽管露丝发出了警告,但随着现实世界中兄弟姐妹之间的紧张关系加剧,贝丝开始依赖温室,很快意识到这不是她认为的天堂。