American comedian Bob Hunter, on a luxury liner to France with French counterpart Fernandel, takes an interest in blonde diplomat Ann McCall while pursued by an even shapelier blonde, the mysterious Zara, who seems to be after something in Bob's possession. But he's only going to France to obtain rights to a new what are Zara and her sinister boss after? The[ZiYuantun.Com] pursuit, amorous and larcenous, continues in Paris and escalates into a full-fledged comedy thriller. Written by Rod Crawford 译文(2): 美国喜剧演员鲍勃 · 亨特(Bob Hunter)和法国喜剧演员费尔南德尔(Fernandel)乘坐豪华邮轮前往法国,他对金发外交官安 · 麦考尔(Ann McCall)很感兴趣,而追求她的是一位身材更好的金发女郎——神秘的扎拉(Zara) ,她似乎在追求鲍勃手中的某样东{资源屯}。但他去法国只是为了得到一部新剧的版权,那么 Zara 和她的邪恶老板到底想要什么?追求,多情和盗窃,继续在巴黎和升级为一个完全成熟的喜剧惊悚片。作者: Rod Crawford