In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the pictures, she rallies the other girls and gets revenge 译文(2): 在这部以青少年为导向的戏剧中,一名年轻女子被迫进入地中海一所豪华的精修学{资源屯}。她通过反抗残忍的变态校长来发泄她的【ZiYuanTun.Com】愤怒。当她发现他一直在秘密拍摄她们的裸体并从中获利时,她召集了其他女孩并进行了报复