




    Third-rate GODFATHER clone is so clearly patterned after the Francis Coppola blockbuster that the end result, despite the occasional felicities, is doubly disappointing: Tomas Milian, the consigliori of the title, naturally has the Robert Duvall role; Martin Balsam steps in for Brando as the Don and also suffers an attempt on his life (while visiting his wife's grave); there is also a death scene featuring a bullet-ridden car a' la James Caan's demise in GODFATHER and another one in a restaurant (with the owner unceremoniously dumped into the furnace while still alive); a violent retribution (this time against rebellious mafioso Francisco Rabal and his renegade gang) juxtaposed with a religious ceremony (here a village procession); Balsam and Milian fleeing to their Sicilian homeland with Rabal in pursuit, etc.   The film also features Euro-Cult favorites Dagmar Lassander (wasted as Milian's girl) and Edoardo Fajardo (in a small role towards the end, as a Sicilian Mafioso whose "godfather" had been Milian's father!) but, unfortunately, they contribute next to nothing to the mix. Although the version of the film I watched was in Italian, the gang[ZiYuantun.Com]sters (particularly Balsam) have a habit of slipping into English ("Yu-unna-stan", "Well", "Busy-ness", etc.) perhaps to show that they've been living for far too long in America but, frankly, I couldn't help laughing when at the end the mortally-wounded Milian (riding away in a car after the final showdown with Rabal) has to listen to Balsam rattling away one "Damn Bastard" after another without letting the old man know that he was done for; it practically reminded me of those scenes in AIRPLANE! (1980) showing the various passengers sitting next to Robert Hays who end up doing the craziest things to themselves so long as they're spared from listening to his life story! As usual with this kind of film, the music is an asset and Riz Ortolani's lush score here is no exception.   译文(3): 三流GODFATHER克隆版是如此明显地模仿弗朗西斯·科波拉(Francis Coppola)的大片,以至于最终的结果,尽管偶尔会有一些惊喜,但却让人加倍失望:托马斯·米利安(Tomas Milian),这个标题的一致作者,自然会扮演罗伯特·杜瓦尔(Robert Duvall)的角色;马丁·巴尔萨姆(Martin Balsam)接替白兰度(Brando)饰演老爷子,也遭遇了一次自杀未遂事件(在为妻子扫墓时);还有一个死亡场景,一辆被子弹击中的汽车a‘la James Caan在GODFATHER死亡,另一辆在餐厅死亡(车主还活着时被随意扔进了炉子);暴力报复(这次是针对反叛的黑手党弗朗西斯科·拉巴尔和他的叛徒团伙)与宗教仪式(这里是村庄游行)并列;Balsam和Milian在Rabal的追捕下逃到了他们的西西里家园,等{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。


