In the year 2017, a rich man travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his nose. When successful businessman Sam Treadwell finds that his【ZiYuanTun.Com】 android wife, Cherry model 2000 has blown a fuse, he hires sexy renegade tracker E. Johnson to find her exact duplicate. But as their journey to replace his perfect mate leads them into the treacherous and lawless region of The Zone, Treadwell learns the hard way that the perfect woman is made not of computer chips and diodes, but of real flesh and blood! 译文(2): 在2017年,一个富有的男人走遍天涯海角,发现完美的女人总是在他的眼皮底{资源屯}。当成功的商人山姆 · 特德韦尔发现他的机器人妻子,2000年的樱桃模型烧掉了保险丝,他雇佣性感的叛逆追踪者 E · 约翰逊来寻找她的复制品。但是,当他们的旅程,以取代他的完美伴侣导致他们进入危险和无法无天的区域,崔德威尔学会了艰难的道路,完美的女人不是由计算机芯片和二极管,而是真正的血肉之躯!