This dark psychological thriller draws us slowly but surely into Maria's strange world. Tension mounts as she is buffeted by interactions with her abusive husband, demanding father, and meek paramour. This housewife, who initially appears outwardly unassuming and unremarkable, is shown to possess an inner landscape of the mind which is twisted and scarred. Techniques of German Expressionist cinema gradually give us insight into her psyche. Why does she write letter after letter to herself, stashing them in a living room cabinet? Secret after secret is gradually revealed, until the chilling and disturbing conclusion. 译文(2)[ZiYuantun.Com]: 这个黑暗的心理惊悚片缓慢而坚定地将我们带入玛丽亚的奇异世{资源屯}。当她受到丈夫的虐待、父亲的苛刻要求和温顺的情妇的打击时,她的紧张情绪不断升级。这个家庭主妇,谁最初出现外表谦逊和不起眼,表明拥有一个扭曲和伤痕累累的心灵的内部景观。德国表现主义电影的技巧逐渐让我们洞察她的心理。为什么她一封又一封地给自己写信,把它们藏在客厅的橱柜里?一个接一个的秘密被逐渐揭开,直到令人毛骨悚然和不安的结局。