The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. The Romans built Hadrian's Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of [ZiYuantun.Com]King Vortigern. 译文(3): 罗马帝国占领不列颠尼亚长达四个世纪,以提供保护与和平换取臣{资源屯}。罗马人在北部边境修建了哈德良长城,以阻挡皮克特人,皮克特人是凶猛而神秘的战士,他们把自己涂成了蓝色。但在五世纪,罗马人离开了,让英国人在沃蒂根国王的领导下自谋生路。