



    • 主演: 未知


    All the colour, depth and mystery of India's complex and riotous cultural heritage is brought to light in a single action which changes two countries forever. A proud Indian internat[ZiYuantun.Com]ional student is attacked in a brightly lit train carriage against a backdrop of darkness. Unknown to his attackers his high caste status has little relevance, and in one poignant moment, he is rescued by his counterpart, an 'untouchable', a low caste. They are united by what would otherwise be impossible. The highly publicised event sends shock waves through the international community. As the climate escalates, Maria Kris a young Australian journalist of Indian descent is sent to investigate, and what happens from there uncovers long established and inherent prejudices between the two countries and what lies between .... In her quest for truth, she meets a young Indian student Giriraj, who changes her life forever through an unlikely meeting. Throughout their ensuing friendship, Maria is taken by Giriraj...   译文(2): 所有的色彩,深度和神秘的印度复杂和喧闹的文化遗产是揭示在一个单一的行动,永远改变两个国{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一名骄傲的印度国际学生在黑暗的背景下,在一节灯火通明的火车车厢里遭到袭击。攻击他的人不知道他的高种姓地位几乎没有关系,在一个辛酸的时刻,他被他的对手,一个“贱民”,一个低种姓拯救。他们因为本来不可能的事情而团结在一起。这一广为人知的事件在国际社会引起了轩然大波。随着气候变化的加剧,一位年轻的澳大利亚印第安裔记者玛丽亚 · 克里斯被派去调查,从那里发生的事情揭示了两国之间长期存在和固有的偏见,以及两国之间的隔阂。在她寻求真理的过程中,她遇到了一个年轻的印度学生吉里拉杰,这个学生通过一次不可思议的相遇永远地改变了她的生活。在随后的友谊中,玛丽亚被吉里拉杰。

